July 2017 Update
A fantastic few days in St Ives with fabulous weather and wonderful seas.
There was a fair bit of work to do too. The decking needed attention and so did the planter. The planter was fairly rotten and was being eaten by the roots of one of the plants - clearly an agressive creature. We have now replaced the planter with a collection of nice looking pots which should be more robust and stand up better to the sea spray.
This is our most popular year ever with visitor numbers exceeding even last year's record. Thank you everybody for visiting and, from the comments you have left in the visitors' book, enjoying your stay in one of the best seaside towns in the UK.
Spring 2016 Update
We have recently returned from a stunning stay in St Ives with glorious weather every day. Our housekeepers Mel and Marc do a fantastic job and we are always impressed by their work to make Poscader so perfectly spic and span every time.
Now we have been running for a few years, many of our guests are repeat visitors and some visit us a couple of times a year, which is fantastic, especially when they take the time to leave another comment in our guest book.
We have updated this website and made it mobile friendly as almost half our visitors to the site access it on a smartphone or tablet. Other updates include new pots and pans (the old ones were getting a little tired) and a Bluetooth sound system.
Spring 2015
Although we are fully booked for most of May and all through from the beginning of June to the end of Spetember, we were able to spend a few spring days at Poscader.
We took the oportunbity to replace the outside furniture which was showing the signs of exposure to the salty atmosphere, in fact it was rusting away. It has now been replaced by some stylish cast aluminium seating which comprises a bistro table, two chairs and a very comfortable two seater bench; perfect for spending time with your partner gazing romantically at the wonderful seascape across St Ives Bay. This is a shot of the new furniture.

As always we love reading the comments that our guests leave, and although many are quite artistic, this one is the first time that we have been honoured by a drawing of a dinosaur. Many thanks Rob; your talent and effort is appreciated.

2014 Season Update - November 2014
The 2014 season has been the best so far. What has made it so special are the number of return visitors who are making Poscader a regular stay. Some return two or even more times a year which is very satisfying. It is always important to us that our guests enjoy staying in Poscader as much as we do.
The sofa bed was beginning to get a litle tired, so we are renewing it with a new one. We have taken the oportunity to remodel the living and dining area, so check out the new photos.We have also upgraded the central heating controls as some of our guests found the previous ones a little complicated.
As last year, we are already getting advanced bookings for 2015 and we are booked for Christmas and the New Year.
2013 Season Update - October 2013
The 2013 season was fantastic. We were just about sold out though we were able to spend a little of the summer there ourselves and enjoy the wonderful sunshine on the decking while looking out to sea and admiring yet again the amazing view.
We very much appreciate all the comments that our guests leave; the first thing we do when we arrive is to read them and we are always happy that our guests seem to enjoy staying at Poscader as much as we do.
We are booked for Christmas and the New Year for 2013, and already we have several bookings for Spring and Summer 2014, so if you want to visit Poscader in 2014 then you are advised to book early.
Summer 2012
Unfortunately, due to some very selfish builders, some of our guests were disturbed by building work going on around Poscader. We can only apologise for this and are pleased to report that it has all been completed and peace and calm have been restored. One of the benefits of Poscader is that even though it is close to town, it is very quiet; you hear very little if any noise (apart from the church bells on Sundays and the St Ives Brass Band which also plays for an hour or so on Sunday mornings) and the last thing you want to hear is building work going on.
All of our guests who were disturbed we have compensated financially, which hopefully helps a little. The builders have agreed to compensate us too, but we are still waiting for them to do so. We will mention it here when they do.
Congratulations Rosanne and Nicolas
Rosanne and Nicolas, congratulations on your wedding.
We are so pleased that you decided to spend your honeymoon in St Ives and stay in Poscader, and that you were able to enjoy some time on the terrace.
And thank you for leaving the comment below in the guest book

Congratulations Anna and Joe
Anna and Joe, congratulations on your engagement.
And thank you for telling us all about your fantastic holiday and your romantic walk to Zennor where Joe proposed.
Here is what they said about their stay in the Poscader guest book

Guest Comments
We returned to Poscader in November after the main season was over and we were delighted to find that the apartment was as clean and as fresh as when we had last seen it. We have some excellent housekeepers so thankyou very much Mel and Mac for looking after the apartment and our guests so well.
We were also delighted to read all the kind comments that our guests had left in the guest book. Thank you all for taking the time and leaving them; they are very much appreciated.
You can now read the guest comments here. (For the technical minded we photographed them, converted them to transparent .png files, and wrote a little javascript to overlay them on the background image of a guest book.)
We seem to have made first page on Google
Naturally we have been doing a little link building, but today we were very pleased to find that if you search Google for "St Ives Apartment", Poscader is the second website listed, so naturally we are very pleased about this.
We are not doing so well on Yahoo though - we are only at the top of page 7 there.
It is surprising what a few back links can do. If you have stayed at Poscader and enjoyed your holiday and you have a blog, website, facebook or similar, then we would be very grateful if you could post a link back to this site.
Hey - We Won the Hub Nugget!
Yes OK - it's not the Booker prize we know but it's always nice to win something. What is good is that at least some US citizens who never knew about our beautiful holiday resort are now interested in it. Perhaps one day they might visit - who knows? Here is a link to the article: Quality of Light in St Ives
Quality of Light in St Ives Update
This article has been selected as one of 6 candidates for HubNuggets on HubPages! Quote "HubNuggets are high-quality Hubs published by new writers like yourself that are featured in our weekly newsletter, sent to over 130,000 recipients". Whether or not it gets selected depends on votes, so if you are reading this before 9th June then we would appreciate your vote. You can vote by clicking on this link and selecting the Qualituy of Light... article. Thanks for voting.
Quality of Light in St Ives
We have produced an outline of our ruminations on the Quality of Light in St Ives on a hub page. If you have any comments then please let us know as this is something that we find fascinating.
Find us on Google Maps
We now have an entry on Google Maps. Just click the link or go to Google Maps and search for Poscader.
Website, weather and light
27 April 2011 - We have updated this website to include more detailed information on apartment accommodation. We have also added a St Ives weather feed from the BBC.
In this hot weather we are wondering how the planter on the decked terrace is coping. There are one or two fairly exotic plants in it (plus some more ordinary ones)and we hope that they have not perished in the heat. Perhaps our guests have been so kind as to give them some water and hopefully our wonderful housekeepers have kept an eye on them.
It is said that St Ives has a special quality of light that has attracted generations of artists. Certainly at times the light is quite remarkable and constantly changing. The BBC Coast programme covered this a little, but we would like to know more and so we are researching the subject with the intention of writing an article about it so any contributions you may have would be gratefully received - just email them to poscader@stivesapartment.com

So why did we call the apartment Poscader?
Perhaps you have noticed that we are using an icon of a painting of a fisherman on this site. This is a thumbnail image of a painting of a fisherman that we have hanging in the apartment. It was painted by a ninety plus year old Oxfordshire artist and we purchased it off her specifically for the apartment. She has also painted the fisherman's wife, but she refused to also part with that one. They used to hang together in her lounge, so now there is a gap. Still, from where he hangs he can enjoy through the window some superb sea views of the harbour and beyond.
If you hadn't worked it out by now, 'poscader' is Cornish for fisherman, as in:
"Peleah ma an poscader?" "Ma an poscader en cok."
"Where is the fisherman?" "The fisherman is in the fishing boat"

Poscader goes on the market in time for Easter 2011
We have finally completed all the finishing touches and Poscader has gone on the market in time for Easter 2011.
And we are very pleased to see that we have recieved 5 bookings in just the first week!

Last minute hitches
Just when you think all is done, so often something else turns up. As we were putting Poscader on the market, the great guys at Aspects Holidays (our booking agents) pointed out that we did not have a freezer and that our guests would appreciate one even if it was just for making ice for their gin and tonics (which we must admit to being a little partial to too). The problem was that we did not want to change the lovely kitchen and the only sensible place for a freezer did not have a power point.
Fortunately we located an excellent electrician in St Ives. His name is Owen and he owns O.S.Electrical, website www.oselectrical.co.uk. He was able to do the job almost immediately, did a fantastic job, perfectly repaired the long trench he had to cut from the plaster board, and actually charged less than his estimate. He is highly recommended.
Next we found that we did not have a portable appliance test certificate which is now required and time was running out. Owen suggested a colleague, Tristan who could do the job quickly. His business is Weidner Electrical, website www.weidner-electrical.co.uk. Again we got fantastic and friendly service and at a great price. Both these guys are highly recommended so if you need a local electrician then you know where to go.
The fiercest storm in St Ives for 30 years
As we slept we had little idea that outside the fircest storm that St Ives has seen for thirty years was raging. When we got up and stood on the decking as dawn broke we could see the waves crashing over the roofs of the houses below that faced along the sea. The storm flooded many buildings on the harbour and left the road with a thick layer of sand and debris. Fortunately there was not too much damage.
It certainly was spectacular

The seas were still stormy later in the day.

New Years Eve at St Ives
New Years Eve at St Ives is legendary. It is one of the biggest New Years Eve party towns in Europe and in England it is second only to London, though it is much friendlier and more fun than London. Just about everyone dresses up and the streets, pubs and restauraunts are brimming over. We were fortunate enough to secure a seat in The Sloop on the harbour front and met scores of people all in great spirit.
Here is a shot of some of the revellers on the harbour front which captures some of the party atmosphere. Poscader is available at Christmas and New Year, so why not give it a go. Also remember to book your restaurant well in advance as they get booked up early.